14 March 2015

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids (Book Review)

OMG the Cover
I just need to get this out of my way before I can attempt to write anything close to a formal review. Saying I love this cover does not even beginning to cover how much I absolutely adore this cover (Yes, I know). Being completely honest, one of the main reasons I decided to read the book NOW and not closer to the release date was because of the cover. It is creative and represents the book Oh! So well! Looking at it (I mean, look at it!) you can see Elyse is dying to say something but she just can´t! And the sharpies and the starfish and EVERYTHING ok! Such a gorgeous and creative cover! 

Anyway, the Story
Elyse was on her way of becoming a professional performer, her voice was her tool; she was bright, extroverted and brave, but after losing her voice she turned into a shell of what she once was.

She escapes to USA, not hoping to start anew, but just to get away from the world she knows. She just wants to be left alone, and hides behind her inability to speak as her excuse.

Though when a bet puts her "duller" life at risk, she has to make a decision: live forever in the past, or face it and allow herself to change.

The story is nothing over the top, but it is solid and engaging. This was not a love story, it was a coming of age story. An excellent coming of age story. 

The Characters
The story has a pretty diverse cast, and all the characters were pretty well rounded. But I will speak of the two most relevant.

The protagonist is Elyse, she is a sweet girl with a difficult past. I adored her from beginning to end. I adored her so much I would be so disappointed on her when she made a poor choice, and would be so proud when she started to take her baby steps to fight her fears. She was refreshing, and I believe the first character from Trinidad and Tobago that I have ever read! Her story got me so interested in the country, I've search for more information about it and now plan on visiting one day (though that's an story for another day).

Christian is her love interest, but he is more than just that; he's got troubles of his own, and his own battles to fight. His story did not revolve around her, which I really appreciated. I loved to bits his brother too!

Roma(nce) wasn't built in a day
Yes, the story is a romance (the cover does not lie) but it is not the core of it, as I mentioned before. The romance developed slowly. There was flirting, sure, they are young after all. But the relationship between Elyse and Christian grew from friendship, and from trust, which is something I do not see much in YA books nowadays.

Don't go breaking my Heart  
I could not get enough of this book! It was a page turner. And it caught me right from the start. This book made me feel for Elyse so much (She´s my bb don't touch her). I just did not want the story to end! Just one thing I would have liked was to know more (more!) of what happened after the ending.

In Conclusion: 
Favourite book this year (so far). Now go and pre-order it!

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