13 April 2015

The Cat Who Went to Heaven (Book Review)

The Story
This is the story of a poor artist whose housekeeper brings a little cat, who he can't even feed properly. But when he is commissioned to paint a portrait of Buddha, he believes the cat may have just changed their luck and starts to warm toward her.

He puts his soul in the task, spending many days trying to depict each creature as close to their virtues as possible.

But cats, according to legends, do not have Buddha's blessing; the artist feels force to leave his cat out of the painting, much to her misery.

The Characters
There are basically 3 characters: the artist, who is passionate about his work and the Buddhist ways, but he is also just as compassionate and loyal. He risks everything to stand for those he loves. He is someone I truly admired.

The housekeeper is pure hearted, she only thinks about what's best for the artist. She is hard worker and she has a kind heart.

Finally, the cat. She is gentle and smart; she is quick to learn her limits, and does not try to test them.

This is a short story, so the characters do not have much room to evolve; though Coatsworth still manages to portrait the subtle changes in some masterfully.

Buddhism 101 
I confess I do not know much about Buddhism, but the little tales narrated in the book sure made me more interested!

I just love when a book makes you interested in learning more about something.

I appreciated the stories shared, and I feel like I took a great lesson from each.

Though after some research I am a bit confused, are cats sacred in Buddhism or not?

I have 8 cats okay?
I think one of the main reasons this story pained me was because I love cats. I love, love cats. And reading this I just felt so powerless and indignant.

The message in this book is very powerful.

What little hope I had left
Call me naïve, but I had a little hope before reading this that the book would have a happy ending. But this was shattered after reading the first page.

I just knew I was going to need some tissues come the end, and I was not wrong.

In Conclusion: 
If you like to feel like someone is punching you in the kidneys you should read it.

No, but seriously. This book may have made me feel awful, but I loved it.

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