6 April 2015

The Conspiracy of Us (Book Review)

 The Story
The story is not that complex. It is actually a bit of a cliché: regular girl who believes herself to be plain looking, new transfer kid in school notices her, girl is in fact special because, love triangle (kind of), corrupt people in power. Yes, we have read it before. There is nothing that actually makes this story any different, nothing that sets it aside.

But I am not denying it was entertaining, and isn't that what a book should be?

 The Characters
As with the story, there was nothing really memorable about them. Avery was the typical YA girl that has the big decisions taken for her, Stellan is the double B guy (Bad boy and B-guy), the-other-guy-I-do-not-remember-his-name was the sweet new kid on the block guy, we had the absent father  and the tough as nails mother.

Most characters were pretty annoying, specially Avery. She did not think much about what she was doing and what was happening, I mean: she took a plane to Europe without telling her mother. I know she was mad but who does that!

I liked Stellan, but it was because his snark in the sea of boringness was a breath of air that helped me get through the book.

The other guy was okay.

 Ugh That French
Now, if there is one thing I can't stand about a book is bad research. Specially when I can identify the inaccuracy. If there is one thing I can't forgive an author is using Google Translate on their books.

How difficult would it have been to have someone beta the parts in French. If you do not know something, have someone who does review it for you! Because if I with a level A2 French can pinpoint your grammar mistakes, it is bad.

It only shows how careless the author, her editor, everyone that worked in this book were. It's like there were in such a rush to release it, it was not proof read.

 Where were we again?
This book is a very messy Eurotrip. First Avery is in USA, and she takes a plane to Paris, then she goes to Istanbul, then Paris again (I think).

It was quite confusing, sometimes I would forget where the characters were supposed to be. Then they would say something in Google Translate French and I would remember.

 The YA´s Da Vinci Code
There is no other way to put it. This is a Da Vinci Code retelling, aimed for teens. We have the historical figure, who as far as science knows did not leave descendants, with direct kin alive in modern day. We have the secret societies fighting over the power. We have the trip across Europe.

No, this book was not subtle at all.

In Conclusion:

Even with the weak story, I still enjoyed this book. What can I say? It was entertaining! This might be my new guilty pleasure trilogy (At least until The Heir comes out).

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